Read Isaiah 8, 9.1-7
Last time God’s people were split in two, with ten tribes led by Jeroboam into worship of things rather than their God. The remaining two tribes were led by Rehoboam, but as we pick up the story here we see they have fared no better. Isaiah is a messenger of God and he receives an alarming dream. The people have rejected God and his ways, designed to make them flourish. They have broken the contract (again). God’s people were designed to be a nation who lived differently, pointing others towards the character of God, but they have failed miserably. And God cannot allow this so he will permit their enemies to triumph over them and they will be cast into utter darkness.
Is God finally done with his people? Back at the very start he promised a child of Eve would come to save them, to cover over their wrongdoing, and enable them to live in relationship with him again. But will he keep his promise? How many times would you allow someone to mistreat you? For our safety we rightly should not allow this, but how many times would you allow a minor transgression, an annoyance, and continue the relationship? We find ourselves so easily slighted, and perhaps we project this onto God. Surely his hand cannot remain outstretched to me another time? Surely he is done now. Finished. There can be no way back.
And yet we must put aside our projections of God. He is not a giant human. He is other than. And we can only determine how long he will accept us by his character communicated to us in the Bible.
The people are cast into utter darkness, but they do not stay there. A great light comes, and the people will be freed from their oppression. How? A child is born. The son of Eve is still coming. God keeps his promises no matter how sorely he is provoked. And this child will not just be any child. He will be a wonderful counsellor, mighty God, everlasting father and prince of peace. There will be no end to the greatness of his rule or the peace he will bring.
Peace without end. Can you even imagine that?! I don’t know how long things feel at peace in your life, but its not very long in mine!
My fear is that one day God will snap and say – enough! You are too far gone for me. If his standards are perfection then I absolutely deserve that. I’m far from perfect, even when I try really hard. And yet these verses tell me that not only will I never hear those words I deserve, but that I will receive peace without end. A mighty God and an everlasting Father. A wonderful counsellor. How? A child is born.
It’s not going to be too long now.
Are you tempted to believe God is a giant version of yourself/an authority figure?
How do these verses challenge your image of God?
Allow yourself to imagine peace without end for a moment.
Susie lives in NE Fife and works in ministry. She loves being with friends, feeding people and half finished creative projects.